November 14 2010 |
Hi folks
Our last meeting of 2010 will take place on Sunday, November 14th.
Dave Jerrard will be finish his presentation from last month, Part 2 of Cameras and fly-thoughs. Dave will also talk about ways to optimize a scene for better render times. Zareh Gorjian will be showing a collection of stereo-scopic images taken with a stereo-scopic camera.
This will be the last meeting of the year, which means free pizza and drinks. We do not have a meeting in December due to the holidays. At this time I would like to thank Dave Jerrard, Mike Phillips, and Ken Nign for their presentations. Jennifer Hachigian for her help as always, Kelly Myers from Liberty 3D, and last but not least Wayne Huffman for providing us a home at Intervideo. Thanks to all of you who attended our re-boot year. Here's hoping for a great 2011 and the upcoming LightWave 10. Hope to see you at the meeting, if nothing else, come for the pizza. Jessica Vitale |
October 17 2010 |
Hi Folks
Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, October 17th. We will be covering fly-through animations. How to animate the camera for city fly-throughs, circuit boards and the like. Dave Jerrard will also be covering several of LightWave's camera plugins. Meeting will start at 2pm and end at 5pm. Donuts and drinks to be provided. Meeting is free of charge, so we hope to see you there.
Jessica Vitale
September 26 2010 |
For this meeting we'll be having Ken Nign talk all about Normals. What are they? What's a normal map? How does it compared to a bump map? Using normals for mesh deformations. Etc.
Ken will also show some of the new features are going to be in the next release of his Jovian color picker.
I hope you will come. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Meeting starts at 2pm.
Thank you,
This site has information and links to plugins for normal mapping in LW versions prior to 9.x. The NVidia normal map Photoshop plugin. A technique to create a normal map from a series of photographs. The DP_Kit, a slew of useful nodes including the Normal Cast node.
A simple online normal map generator (requires Flash).
Matt Gorner's Beginners Explanation of Gamma Correction & Linear Workflow.
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August 29 2010 |
The next meeting will be the 29th of this month at 2 pm.
The presenter this month will be, Emmy award nominee, Dave Jerrard. Dave will be talking about LightWave volumetrics and if we're lucky he may show us his Emmy award worthy balls (Planets). Sorry that the meeting is late in the month. We had a timing conflict on the 15th, and on the 22nd Dave is busy learning whether the Emmys love his balls (Planets) as much as we do. So that leaves only the 29th.
I hope you will come, the meeting is free. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Remember, we're now in a new location, so be sure to visit the Location page.
On a more serious note, our friend and longtime user group contributor, Larry Shultz is seriously ill and in need of medical assistance. If you don't already know about Larry's condition please visit his wife, Camilla's, blog. And please make a donation if you're able to.
Thank you,
June 13 2010 |
Hi Folks!
We're back! The Los Angeles LightWave Users Group meetings officially re-boot on Sunday June 13 at 2pm. As most of you know we had been on hiatus until we could find a room to hold the meetings. And like the saying goes "good things come to those who wait," we were blessed to find a home at Inter Video in Burbank thanks to Mr. Wayne Huffman. Unlike meetings past, there will no longer be a cover charge. Yes, the meetings are now FREE. This is because we are not being charged for the use of the facilities. Thank you again Mr. Wayne Huffman. So who do we have for this meeting? Why Dave Jerrard of course. He will be talking about an upcoming film he has been working on called Fortress. The meeting will start at 2pm as always. Donuts and coffee to be provided, thanks to the kindness of Mr. Wayne Huffman. So we hope you can join us next Sunday for some LW Tips and Tricks, or just visit and network. Inter Video is located at: 2211 N. Hollywood Way Burbank CA The location map has been updated on the site's Location page. Please check out the map and plan your driving directions accordingly. If you are familiar with the Fry's Electronics in Burbank, it's very near there. Let me know if you have any questions. We are all excited. And thanks again Mr. Wayne Huffman for giving us a new home. Sincerely, Jessica Vitale President Los Angeles LightWave Users Group |
Meetings from other years: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 |